Hi-Tech Promo Gadgets for 2016

Hi-tech promo gadgets are the coolest promotional category for 2016. These unique tech products are being used daily by consumers because of their unique (and memorable!) user experience. They also hit on the cardinal rule of promo: hi-tech promo gadgets serve a useful purpose. These cool, innovative items are designed to make consumers lives easier. They’re the type of premium item consumers will use over and over and over again.

Besides creating a unique user-experience with a trendy tech item, these new hi-tech promo gadgets can are being used daily. Think custom branded USB drives, headphones, earbuds, multi-function charging cords, full-size speakers (and mini keychain-size ones too!), keyboards, selfie sticks, power banks and more. Promotional tech gadgets are the largest growing item in the

With South by SouthWest 2016 just around the corner, ’tis the time for all things tech-related! Our post today shares the best branded tech items on the market. From full sublimation wallets that stick directly to the back of your phone (say buh-bye to bulky wallets) to top-of-the-line promotional speakers to power banks that will keep your devices charged through entire SXSW events, we’ve curated a selection of the absolute COOLEST tech items.

When you’re team is looking for innovative ideas, there’s only one group of rockstar promo marketers to call: Brand+Aid!

Check out our top tech promos  below. Then give us a call to get a free virtual mockup of with your company’s name on it – (323) 800-2241, happy@brandaiding.com.

Happy branding!

The Brand+Aid team

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Ready to create your own branded merchandise? Contact the Brand+Aid team for a free virtual mockup with your company’s name on it: happy@brandaiding.com, (323) 800-2241.

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